GraNd OpeNiNg Sale!!! Buy 1 epattern get one epattern free of equal or lower value, please email me the name of the pattern/s you would like along with your paypal address, so that I may invoice you.

ThaNks so Much!! Viv

Jack*soN FaMily

Well here they are all ready for that faMilY portrait! Dad is his usual haPPy self, MoM has beeN up all night with lil BOO, who's cuttiNg his first tooth! They are made of paiNted,saNded,staiNed aNd baked musliN. I've embroidered their faces. Their steMs are grapeviNe twigs, glued,aNd sewN oN..they're terrific for a cupboard display..I loVe them! MoM aNd DaD, are 7 iNches high,6 iNches across aNd 2 iNches deep. BOO is 6 iNches high,5 iNches across,and 2 iNches deep.

Price: $4.00